
Fixing Bulma Warnings In Angular

During last few months I dived into frontend development. Well, not frontend but rather full-stack. My current stack is ASP.NET Core C# web backend site + client part. It appeared to be a nice mix, very console friendly and I had a lot of fun working with it.

To be able to quickly generate descent looking web pages without getting trapped into css hell developers use very clever trick: CSS frameworks. For years the leader here has been (and seems to remain) Twitter’s bootstrap. But this time I decided to try something else and chose Bulma. It is nice and lightweight and rather modern so why not to give it a try?

The process of adding Bulma to the angular application is straightforward. First we add bulma package via yarn:

yarn add bulma

and then add reference to it fo angular-cli.json:

      "styles": [

Thats all! But after running site with ng serve I’ve got a lot of console warnings:

Bulma Angular Warnings

Long story short, I started from this issue and finally found solution here. And also I discovered that instead of being added into angular-cli.json, styles can be just imported into your `styles.scss’:

$variable-columns: false;
@import '~bulma/bulma';

Now warnings have gone and we can continue hacking our angular app :)

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