
connect: No error When Running ng new

It’s (almost end of) 2017 and I am ready to jump into “future”. This time future is BTW, many call it Angular 2 or Angular 4 to distinguish it from old Angular 1.x. That is incorrect, or, to be more precise, does not scale well. New versions are being released too often and it’s rather stupid to replace all Angular 2 to Angular X every time. More safe and correct is to call new angular and old one AngularJS.

So, I started diving in with it’s tutorial. I remember that great experience with awesome AngularJA Phonecat tutorial and have strong feeling that new one should be good as well. With no fear I did that:

npm -i angular-cli
ng new my-super-app

And then fun began. First of all it said that angular-cli is (or will be deprecated) and it is going to be (or has been) renamed to angular/cli. It seemed to get installed though. However, ng new command just printed connected: no error and did nothing.

I was not surprised. Well, every time when I start doing something new with node, things like that happens. Node is not windows friendly after all. I began googling but found nothing related. Sigh. Then I tried to install brand new angular/cli but it refused to install, producing lot of error text messages. I updated node, refreshed my SSH key on github (yes, it is used during npm install process) but with no much luck.

My next thought was “ok, maybe angular-cli conflicts with angular/cli (do you feel the drama? :)”. Let me check where it got installed. How can I do that? In powershell there is a nice command get-command. And how surprised I was when it printed ` C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\ng.exe`.

I definitely did not install angular-cli via chocolatey. So it was something else. Quick try with different help switches ended with ng --help saying that this is a nailgun by facebook. I don’t remember when I installed it. I did not also find it in chocolatey repository. Having no idea where did it appear on my laptop I just did

pushd C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\
Rename-Item .\ng.exe ng-fb.exe

And got my angular-cli back. Well, I’d say it was very small sacrifice to node / npm / angular, and nothing will stop me from getting that tutorial done!

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